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Pre-Authorized Offerings

Most people who make an offering do it in the traditional way by dropping an envelope in the collection plate as it passes by.  For some people, that does not work so well.  Perhaps you find yourself away at times, but want to continue supporting the church. Or perhaps the cost of cheques or remembering to have cash on hand is just one hassle you could do without. 
We have a solution for you:  Pre-Authorized Offerings. If you wish to make your offerings to the church on a regular, monthly basis, download and complete the Pre-Authorized Contributions form below, and email the completed form to the Board of Stewardship. You can also mail your completed form to the church, or drop it off at the church. We will look after the rest.  Your offering will come from your bank account on the 20th of each month. And you can always change your mind and adjust your offering. 

Have more questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions or email the Board of Stewardship.

Offering Card.png

When the collection plate passes, drop in one of these offering cards that is located in the pews so that you have the opportunity to dedicate your gift to God during the service.

Should you wish to make an online donation, clicking on the button to the right will bring you to our Canada Helps page where you can make a donation to our church or to the Masih ki Awaz Urdu language radio program.  Thank you

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