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Many Ways to Learn, to Grow and to be Part of a Community

Providing lots of opportunities to learn more about the faith, no matter where you may be on your spiritual journey is a big part of Christ Our King.  And learning is best done as part of a community experience.  Faith burns brighter when it is shared.  We invite you to join us, where ever you feel comfortable.

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Wednesday Bible Study

Want to sink your teeth seriously into the Bible?  Jim Mulligan leads an in depth study based on a specific theme.  This gives the group time to really understand the Bible in a full context. The topics are serious, but the format is informal.

The Adult Bible Study class meets on-line every Wednesday afternoon from 1 to 3 pm., beginning September 15th. The Adult Bible class is studying a series titled ‘Digging Deeper Into The Truth.’This series consists of four units: The Truth About God, The Truth About the Bible, The Truth About Salvation, and The Truth About the Christian Life.

For more information please contact the church office at or at (905) 822-8931.

Women's Group

All women are invited to join us once a month for fellowship, a delicious meal, a Bible study and fun activity.

When: Third Thursday of each month, starting at 6:30.

Where: In the church hall.

Now meeting in person at this time

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LIFT - Ladies in Faith Together

LIFT is an informal gathering of women who meet twice a month online and who study relevant and contemporary women’s Bible studies written by other Christian female authors.

When: Online every other Thursday beginning Thursday, September 7 from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.

Men's Bible Study

The men also gather once a month for a dinner prepared by members of the group and a Bible study that will get you thinking.

But it's not all hard work and deep thought, we also find time for socializing.


Please note:

Men’s Bible Study is now taking place in person. Please contact the church for more information.

Telephone: 905-822-8931




Do you love to knit and spend time with other knitters?

Join our Knitting Group and knit warm articles that we send to a Northern Community.


Sunday Bible Study

Pastor Christi leads our Sunday morning Bible Study.  Grab a coffee and join us between the services.  If you have children, they can be learning too in Sunday School while you join the Bible Study.

When: Sundays from after Labour Day to the end of May from 9:00-9:45 am

Where:  At the church, on the entrance level of the church.  Ask anyone for directions.

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